Impact of Play Way Activities in Promoting Early Childhood Education and Its Implications for Effective Teaching and Learning in Bauchi State
The study explored the Impact of Play-Way Activities in Promoting Early Childhood Education (ECE) and Its Implications for Effective Teaching and Learning in Bauchi State. Early childhood education is essential for the holistic development of a child's physical, emotional, and cognitive abilities. Play activities are an integral part of ECE, as they provide children with opportunities to learn through exploration, discovery, and play. The study was conducted using a case study qualitative-method approach, with a sample of 10 early childhood educators, parents, and children in Bauchi state. Data was collected through survey, interview, and observations. The results provided insights into the types of play activities that are effective in promoting ECE, as well as the barriers and challenges faced by educators and parents in incorporating play activities into their teaching and caregiving practices. The findings of this research help to inform policymakers, educators, and parents on the importance of play-based learning in ECE and contribute to the development of effective strategies for promoting ECE in Bauchi state.
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