Investigating Computer Science Education Students’ and Lecturers’ Awareness and Self-efficacy for Mobile Learning in Tertiary Institutions in Bauchi State Nigeria

Halifa Musa, Balarabe Yusha'u, Muhammad Adam


This study investigates students’ and lecturers’ awareness and self-efficacy for mobile learning in public tertiary institutions in Bauchi State Nigeria. Four objectives were formulated and four research questions were raised. Survey design was used. The population of the study comprised of 1257 computer science education students and all computer science education lecturers in five public tertiary institutions offering computer science education in Bauchi state Nigeria. The sample size consisted of 297 students and the entire 35 computer science education lecturers. Two questionnaires were used to extract data on students and lecturers’ mobile learning awareness and self-efficacy. The instruments were validated by two experts and were found to have reliability of 0.834 and 0.927 respectively. Data collected were analyzed using descriptive statistics. Findings from the results show that computer science education students and lecturers in public tertiary institutions were aware and had a good self-efficacy for mobile learning. It is therefore recommended that management of tertiary institutions offering computer science education should utilize mobile learning for its academic programs.

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