Effects of Field-Trip and Inquiry-Based Instructions on Performance among Secondary School Biology Students in Lere Education Zone, Kaduna-Nigeria
This study sought to find out the “Effects of Field-Trip and Inquiry-Based Instructions on Performance among Secondary School Biology Students in Lere Education Zone, Kaduna-Nigeria”. The study adopted a pretest, posttest and post-posttest quasi-experimental and control group design. The population comprised all 1979 senior secondary school Biology students in Lere zone. A sample consisting of 163 students randomly selected from three coeducational schools in Lere Education Zone participated in the study. The experimental group A having 55 students and B having 56 students were taught Ecology concepts using Field-trip and Inquiry-based Instruction respectively while the control group having 52 students were taught using lecture method. A validated instrument called Ecology Performance Test (EPT) with r=0.87, was used to gather data. two objectives, research Questions and Null Hypotheses guided the research. The hypotheses were tested at p≤0.05 level of significance. Data collected were analyzed using t-test and Kruskal-wallis statistics. The results of the study revealed that differences existed on performance when students are taught using field-trip, inquiry-based instruction and lecture teaching methods in favour of experimental groups A and B. Based on the findings the following recommendations were made; the use of field-study and inquiry-based instruction should be encourage among teachers of Biology to improve student’s performance; Field-trip and Inquiry-based Instruction should also be encouraged to promote the learning of Biology by both male and female students.
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