Fault and Reliability Evaluation Model of Secondary Distribution System of Katampe 330/132/33kv Transmission Station in the FCT, Abuja
As electricity has become one of the basic needs of people in many fast-growing technologies-inclined nations, the planning, development and maintenance of the power infrastructures to keep electricity most reliable and readily available cannot be overemphasized. However, in Nigeria, the rate of power interruptions and failures is quite high. Suppose this is not curtailed through adequate intervention of manpower and structure for a sustainable and efficient reliable system. In that case, the downturn effect may damage the nation's technological advancement. This is the reason, this research is aimed at determining the faults and evaluating the reliability of the secondary distribution of the Katampe 330/132/33kv transmission system by using network modelling of data collected from the data centre of the named substation. The data analyses for various feeders within the substation were extensively carried out and modelled using MATLAB a data virtualization tool. The result and subsequent graphical illustrations proved beyond reasonable doubt, the extent to which SAIFI, SAIDI, CAIDI, ASAI and other indexes of prominent feeders fare. In this desertification, only 9Mobile feeders exhibited the highest level of availability, followed by the Wuse, Gwarinpa, and LifeCamp feeders. In other words, the Jabi feeder was more likely to be unavailable most of the time within the period of study. Unarguably, 9mobile could be placed in the list of IEEE acceptable reliability standards. It could also be concluded that only 9mobile or the five feeders in Abuja are not sufficient enough to determine the reliability status of Nigeria's electrical power system but provide an idea of what is required to achieve that level of comparison in the global stage.
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