Mohammed Galdi, Alfa Muhammad


The relationship between occupational experience and community participation in adult literacy programme was examined. One research objective and a research question was generated and analyzed. The objective of the is officers and the relationship between occupational experience of the community development community participation in adult literacy programme in Borno State. The target population of the study is 0ne thousand eight hundred and fifty-two (1852), three hundred (300) community development officers and one thousand five hundred and fifty-two (1552) Adult learners. The sample of the study covers three hundred and ten (310) Adult literacy learners and one hundred and sixty-nine (169) community development officers totaling to four hundred and seventy-nine (479) respondents. Two set of questions were designed, first tagged “community participation in Adult literacy questionnaire (CPAL) and second tagged community development officers’ quality questionnaire (CDOQ)†were administered on the respondents sampled. The data collected was analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistic. The findings of the study conclude that occupational experience of the community development officers and community participation in adult literacy programme in Borno state has significant relationship. Based on the finding a recommendation was proffered as; the effort of the community development officers should be encouraged to sustaining the existing relationship recorded.

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