Exploring Green Entrepreneurial Skills of Technical Education Graduates for Economic Sustainability

Samaila Hamza, Abdul Abdullahi, Sani Isa Gyaryal


It appears that greening the economy is a worldwide concern due to economic stagnations across the globe. In line with this, this article presents the outcomes of an exploratory study carried out in North-western Nigeria using technical education lecturers and administrators as participants (experts). The data for this research was gathered qualitatively and the experts were requested to answer the interview questions vis-à-vis their view on green entrepreneurial skills of technical education graduates for economic sustainability. 13 participants were selected via purposive sampling based on their qualifications, area of study and working experience. The data collected were further transcribed and analysed inductively using an exploratory content analysis technique with the aid of the Nvivo statistical tool. The findings include, among other things, that finance and profit skills, entrepreneurial plan, and knowledgeable in business were explored by the experts to attain economic stability in Nigeria. It was recommended that for the effective implementation of the findings of this study it is recommended to be used technical education units for students to acquire aspects of green entrepreneurial skills which its impact may contribute in realizing economic sustainability.

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