Librarians’ Leadership Styles and Attitude to Work in Delta State
The paper investigated leadership styles and librarians’ attitude to work in Delta State University Library, Abraka. Three research questions were formulated to aid the researcher in conducting the study with the questionnaire as the sole instrument used for data collection. The descriptive survey research design was adopted for the study with a population of 43 respondents (professional and para-professional library staff), while the descriptive statistical tool was used to analyze the data generated from the administered copies of the questionnaire. The findings of this study revealed that the leadership style adopted by university librarians are democratic and laissez-faire leadership style and this has a lot of influence on how dedicated, devoted and committed the library staff are to their work-related activities in the library. Thus, it was recommended that university librarians should put into considerations several issues before adopting a particular leadership style as this will either make or mar the effort(s) of the leader towards achieving the overall goal of the library which is to satisfy the information needs of its users.
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