Estimating Cost of Earthwork Using Computerized Visual Display Approach

Zitta N., Aliyu M. R., Peter E. U., Ayuba Y.


Removing and filling of earth materials to achieve the desired formation level is one of the principal tasks in any road construction project. These activities involve significant cost of excavating, hauling and placing of earth materials at a suitable place along the designed route. This research is aimed at developing a Computerized Visual Display Approach that allows earthwork cost to be estimated from a mass haul diagram. About 1.5km length of route was selected within FUT-Minna main campus. The field observation was carried out using Total Station (Hi-Target Total Station), the data were processed majorly using AutoCAD Civil and Visual Basic ( was used in developing a computer program that allows earthwork cost to be estimated from mass haul diagram. The result indicated that the road has two curves of very larger radius (locating between chainage 00+00 and 00+400 while the other one is located between chainage 01+150 and 01+525). The maximum point on the mass haul diagram was at chainage 650m with computed volume and estimated cost of 79928.83m3 and 159857.67USD while the minimum point on the mass haul diagram was at chainage 900m with computed volume and estimated cost of 109620.83m3 and 219241.67USD, respectively. Also, the cumulated volume of cut and fill along the route were +9544.50m3 and -1573.86m3 respectively and earthwork cost at any given volume can be predicted using Earthwork Cost Prediction Graph (ECPG). It was recommended that the developed software should be subjected to intensive modifications that allows creation of comprehensive database of the estimated cost and be made public for global criticisms and value addition.

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