SURAJO MUHAMMAD, Abdulmalik Shehu Yaro


The advent of 5G technology is believed to have mutual basic requirements such as high reliability and extremely high data rates. Meeting up with such demand changes the overall fifth generation (5G) network architecture. 5G is aim at interconnecting all wireless Heterogeneous Network (HetNet) for seamless and reliable Quality of Experience (QoE) where every network is in control of its UE’s mobility, while the network providers manages the operation at the terminal. The proliferation of Voice over IP (VoIP) applications over the years attracts the attention of a number of telecommunication industries. VoIP is targeting to overtake the existing traditional Public Switch Telephone Network (PSTN), with the packet based network, that can support multimedia services globally. In this work we proposed a new standalone Internet Telephony Transport Protocol (ITTP) architecture that unite the functionality User Datagram Protocol (UDP) and Real-time Transmission Protocol (RTP) to convey media data aim at providing better performance in terms of bandwidth, delay and throughput based on the proposed model equations as compared to the existing inefficient protocol. The protocol provides VoIP developers with options to augment new services and technique for other use cases and future work toward implementing the architecture is also discussed.

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