Early Childhood Education in the World of Violence and Crises: Implications for Global Competitiveness
Violence and crises has become a global phenomenon and Nigeria in particular. The paper is concern with its effects on early childhood education and implication for global competitiveness. The paper identifies children as innocent, peaceful organisms whose education, development and achievements depends on sustainable peaceful atmosphere, such as peaceful physical and bio-social environment. Violence and crises are destructive to children life, survival, growth, development which impact negatively on sustainable progress and global competitiveness in every aspect of life. The paper highlighted that  though adults are usually responsible for initiating and indulgence in various form of violence and crises,  but children are mostly affected at whatever level  or forms it is exhibited or it occur. The paper identifies different kind of violence and crises such as family, community, inter-tribal, inter-religious, child abuses and trafficking and it also indicates several ways in children are affected by violence and crises to include physical, social, health, intellectual, psychological, moral and emotional development which hinder their capacities, wellness, wellbeing, and impede on personal development and capacity for global competitions for attainments and success  in sustainable development parameters . The paper recommends the need for the adult to observe restrain in initiating crises and violence even at the level of films, movies, cartoons, play materials, family and to ensure adequate measures are taken  to manage conflicts in any form under any disguise. The paper concludes that violence, crises and conflicts are devastating to children’s survival, education, and overall development. So rather than initiating and managing violence, crises and conflicts, efforts should be made to prevent and stop the occurrences so as to facilitate sustainable development and global competitiveness.
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