Use of Instructional Resources for Effective Language Learning In Nigerian Secondary Schools: A Technical Review

Aisha Abdullahi Ibrahim, Lawal Sadiq Sanusi


This paper reviewed relevant literature on the significance of Instructional resources in the effective teaching/learning of English language in Nigerian Schools. It also attempted to shed more light on the way teaching & learning of English should be made to benefit from the modern technological advancement at all levels of educational institutions. The paper revealed that teaching & learning with instructional resources is not a new phenomenon. It also showed that, Instructional technology or instructional media is introduced in to Nigerian Educational system with a view to promoting effective teaching & learning. It recommended that, English language teachers need to select or improvise suitable Instructional resources or aids to facilitate teaching & learning and motivate their students. It finally offers some suggestions on how to make good use of Instructional resources for a better teaching & learning of English language in Nigerian Schools.

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