Bolu-Steve Foluke Nike, Abubakar Saidu, Bello Dhikrullah Babajide


This study aimed at surveying the attitude of teachers towards the introduction of civic education in secondary schools in Ilorin metropolis. The target population for the study comprised all teachers in Upper Basic Schools in Ilorin Kwara state. At stage one, simple random sampling technique was used in selecting two Local Governments out of the three Local Government Areas in Ilorin Metropolis.  At second stage Stratified random sampling technique was used in selecting five schools on the basis of school ownership in Ilorin, while twenty teachers were purposively selected from each of these schools. Thus, a total of two hundred respondents participated in the study. Data were collected using a researcher designed instrument tagged “Attitude of Teachers Towards the Introduction of Civic Education Questionnaire†(ATTICEQ).  The data were analyzed using percentages, mean, t-test and Analysis of Variance (ANOVA).. The findings of this study showed that there was no significant difference on the basis gender and school type. However a significant difference was found on the basis of respondents teaching experience and educational qualification. Based on the findings of this study, it was recommended that the government should endeavor to train more teachers to implement the objectives of the subject

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