Safety Practices Required of Welding Technicians for Effective Field Job Performance in Construction Industries in Nigeria

Okoye K. R. E., Alaghde T.


One of the key determinants of effective welding operations is safety practices. This study therefore, investigated the Safety Practices Required of Welding Technicians for Effective Field Job Performance in Benue State. The study use descriptive survey research design. A sample of 36 students and 37 welders in production industries was selected using Yamane (1967) formula, making a total sample size of 73 respondents. A self-structured questionnaire was used and consisted five sections. Section A, contains demographic information, section B, addresses safety practices on electric shock; section C, addresses safety practices on ultraviolet radiation, section D, addresses safety practices on fumes and oxides, and finally, section E, addresses safety practices on heat/fire outbreak. The instrument will be validated by three experts. In order to establish the reliability of the instrument a pilot study will be conducted on 30 respondents in Enugu State. The Cronbach’s Alpha reliability coefficient was computed along with the various inter-item correlations. The results yielded a reliability coefficient of α= 0.78 and was considered reliable. It then means that SPRWTEJPQ instrument was reliable for the study. The data collected was analyzed using descriptive statistics of mean and standard deviation to answer the research questions while t-test was used to test the hypotheses at 0.05 level of significance. Mean responses up to and above 2.50 was considered accepted and mean responses of 2.49 and below was rejected.

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