Emotional Intelligence, Parent Involvement, Peer Group Influence and Performance in Mathematics: A Technical Review

Musa Sirajo, Umar Abdullahi


Nigeria educational system has paid little or no attention to creativity in the performance of Nigeria secondary school students in mathematics due to planning and methodology adopted in most public and private schools by educational administration. This is manifesting frequent inability of the school age children to come up with ideas on their own. Efforts is required to promote creativity in the performance of Nigeria secondary school students, by recognising the factors of emotional intelligence, parent involvement, and peer group influence to improve creativity potentials in mathematics among secondary school students up to the tertiary level which will also help Nigeria technologically and the rate of unemployment. The current state of education in Nigeria as evidenced by secondary school students’ performance in mathematics has been worrisome. The low performance especially in terminal classes and national examinations has generated much concern for stakeholders in education. Varied problems might be responsible for this poor performance which include but not limited to emotional intelligence, parent involvement and peer group influence. It is against this background that this paper sought to review the influence of emotional intelligence, parent involvement, peer group influence and performance in mathematics.

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